Thursday, September 17, 2009

Greetings Mr Jack-O-Lantern, Your Reading For Next Week.

Hi Jacko, ok your general reading for next week.

Deck:Bosch Tarot.

Work(Knight Of Wands):It looks like you're getting bored or tired of your work already, or maybe you'll be tasked with something that you feel is a waste of time,either way , you might be willing to do it, but the spirit is unwilling. It might be a case of the body is willing but the spirit is not.

Wealth(The Sun):Well, financially things looks to be pretty good, however, there might be a danger of complacency that would wittle that wealth away. Becareful of what or who you're spending it on. Esp, it it's on someone, does that person have a motive?

Social(2 Wands):Looks like you might reach a point where you might want to take things further with someone. Becareful as I get the feeling it might be related to the previously card.

Family(10 Pentacles):Things look pretty good on the family front. You would be spending more time or even taking the time to enjoy the company of those you cherish the most.

Cheers Bro... Enjoy..:)

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